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A leader in top quality, name brand electronics since 1983, Electronic Express makes it happen for customers. But, when faced with consistent freight forwarding damage claims, they were in search of an answer. Double-boxing served as a transition, however, with a 3.5% damage rate, still proved to be unacceptable. In search of a solution, SEKO Logistics thought ‘outside the box’ and reached out to the area’s primary airline to develop a solution.

Benefits of the SEKO solution

  • Reduction claims and damaged goods to less than 0.5%
  • Increased efficiency and improved time in transit
  • Fast eCommerce solution for large consumer electronics and other items
  • Increased expansion opportunities

The Challenge

Electronic Express was shipping ground, which resulted in damaged goods and delays due to order reconciliation. As a customer-focused organization, they needed to see a reduction in claims, as the damaged goods created very unhappy customers and claims were beginning to effect their bottom line.

The Solution

Per the client’s request for a simple solution, SEKO Logistics directed a distribution study and discovered that shipments followed the 80/20 principle. The SEKO Solution transforms ground home delivery into an air freight solution for shipments that fall between parcel and heavyweight. Electronic Express is now identified as a known shipper to their local airline and is provided with a signed consensus upon shipment drop-off.

The Result

After a completely successful trial focusing on Texas/California shipments, Electronic Express expanded the SEKO Solution to include everywhere that a direct or connecting flight was available. The results have been “fantastic” - claims have been greatly reduced and time in transit has drastically improved.

The customer is thrilled! In looking for a solution, we tried to approach things from a continuous improvement standpoint. We wanted to improve time in transit and reduce damages and we found that this works, and you can save money!

Tom Petty Strategic Client Director, SEKO Logistics

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