“This movement of humanitarian cargo is an excellent example of the benefits of the private and philanthropic sectors working together, each bringing their skills and resources to bear with the aim of reducing human suffering. We are delighted to be working on another successful partnership with Virgin Atlantic and SEKO Logistics, and to have the opportunity to work with Magen David Adom UK and Goods for Good.”

— Airlink President and CEO Steve Smith


UK Aid Flight Leaves for Turkey With Vital Supplies on Board

One of the first UK aid flights to Turkey has left Heathrow airport today (Tuesday), containing more than £350,000 worth of vital supplies for those in need following last week’s earthquake in the region.

A specially chartered Virgin Atlantic cargo only flight departed at 1030 UK time transporting 58 pallets of clothing and other essential supplies, including 31,000 coats and blankets and almost a tonne (990kg) of infant milk powder. The destination of the flight is Adana, a city approximately 115 miles from the epicentre of the earthquake, in Gaziantep province. The shipment will be handled on the ground by AFAD, the Turkish Government’s Aid Agency.

The 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit southeast Turkey near the Syrian border in the early hours of February 6th, with tens of millions of people impacted. The number of people confirmed to have died has risen to over 33,000 and the World Health Organisation has warned that ensuring access to medical care and health services in the aftermath is critical.

Magen David Adom UK has joined forces with crisis response charity Goods for Good, medicines and essentials supplier Durbin and Virgin Atlantic, who have donated the flight, to deliver the humanitarian response in less than seven days. The consortium also worked with disaster response and logistics nonprofit Airlink, which coordinates and transports aid for a global network of 150 NGOs and charities, and their partner SEKO logistics, who provided trucking services.

The airline and Magen David Adom UK have partnered on humanitarian missions before, including Project Light in March 2022, which saw 61 Ukrainian refugees arrive on British soil in the initial weeks after the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Daniel Burger, CEO of Magen David Adom UK said, “The UK public has made a heartfelt and generous response to those affected by the Turkey-Syria earthquake but it is vital those donations turn into aid as quickly as possible to help those in need. The response by all the charities involved to turn around such a huge aid operation so quickly has been an incredible effort and we’d like to thank all those involved for making this happen.”

Shai Weiss, CEO at Virgin Atlantic, commented; “The loss of life and scenes of destruction in Turkey and Syria following the earthquake are truly devastating.  We are doing all we can to support the relief effort and are pleased to once again partner with MDA UK to transport vital supplies to the region. Virgin Atlantic and its partners are united in the belief that business can be a force for good and we’ll continue to stand ready should further opportunities arise.”

Goods for Good CEO Rosalind Bluestone said, “We are overwhelmed by the UK industry’s response to the devastating earthquake. Since we announced our support, we have been inundated with offers of goods, logistics and storage. As a humanitarian aid charity, we depend on the goodwill and collaboration of the UK corporates and the community to provide our emergency response in these human catastrophes. And whilst we’re incredibly grateful for the support – more is still needed. This is still a life-or-death situation and we’re urging the corporate community and potential partners to assist in any way they can to help us source more goods, help with logistics and fund this emergency effort.”  

Airlink President and CEO Steve Smith said, “This movement of humanitarian cargo is an excellent example of the benefits of the private and philanthropic sectors working together, each bringing their skills and resources to bear with the aim of reducing human suffering. We are delighted to be working on another successful partnership with Virgin Atlantic and SEKO Logistics, and to have the opportunity to work with Magen David Adom UK and Goods for Good.”

For more information on Airlink please click here.